12th Annual Teamsters National Pipeline Conference – Day 2
Day 2 of the 12th Annual Teamsters National Pipeline Conference is underway at the Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

Over 150 Attendees from Local Unions and Canada as well as numerous Pipeline Stewards and Rank & File Pipeline Members spent most of the session reviewing the recently negotiated Teamsters National Pipeline Agreement which was led by IBT Pipeline Director Rick Bauer.
Today, they will hear from Industry Leaders including Teamster Pipeline Employers from PeBen and and Dunn Transportation. In addition, TNPL Training Director, Mike LaBorde will discuss Pipeline Training. Also Representatives from Central States Teamcare will provide information on Teamster Pipeliners Healthcare and Zenith Administration will provide information and status regarding TNPL Pension Fund.
The Event is sponsored by the TNPL Labor Management Trust Fund.